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Intellectual Property and Brand Protection

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We are focussed on delivering an exceptional service.

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Intellectual Property and Brand Protection

We all understand the law related with physical property such as theft of cars, jewellery, etc, Similarly, properties such as the ideas, inventions, designs, etc are called Intellectual Property. For many businesses, Intellectual Property can make their products and services unique in the market. Protecting IP rights is essential for those businesses which are involved in introducing innovative products and services in the market. In many cases intellectual property is the most valuable business asset for those businesses focused on innovation.

Our team of legal experts can help you with an advice on branding and intellectual property rights protection. Also, we can help you with the legal process when there is an infringement of IP rights.

Some of the industries where IP rights are critical for the businesses are technology, life sciences, pharma, food & drink, media & entertainment, luxury brands. For such industries we can:

  • Advice on protecting Intellectual Property
  • Licensing and transferring ownership of Intellectual Property
  • Advice on Brand Protection and enforcement of IP Rights

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Please only use this form for booking NON urgent appointments with at least 24 hours’ NOTICE. For appointments at shorter notice please call our friendly team on 0123 456 789.